Communicate the value of the arts and tell the story of its impact in Iowa.

Advocacy is expressing support for a cause, idea or policy. Arts advocacy includes educating the public and elected officials about the value of the arts and why the arts should be a part of public policy. There are many ways to be an arts advocate:

  • Communicate the value of the arts by sharing how the arts have impacted your life, learning and career.
  • Contact your elected officials about state and federal funding of the arts. It's important that they hear from Iowans like you, who are working in and passionate about the arts.

    Find your State Senators and Representatives
    Find your Federal Senators and Representatives
  • Educate your community, supporters and board members about the importance of the public funding for the arts by sharing meaningful research, stories and data.

    National Assembly of State Arts Agencies’ Creative Economy State Profiles

Can my organization advocate?

Yes. Nonprofits with 501(c)3 status may advocate a particular position or viewpoint as long as the activity is nonpartisan and objective, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

How is advocacy different from lobbying?

See National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, Advocacy vs. Lobbying: An Arts Primer.

Arts Advocacy Resources

These resources can be used to build a case for the arts in your community, across Iowa and nationally.

State and National Organizations

Americans for the Arts’ Arts Action Center

Learn how to join the national conversation with tips and tools on being an effective arts advocate through the Arts Action Center.

Iowa Cultural Coalition

The Iowa Cultural Coalition organizes Iowans to advocate for public investment in arts and culture. They serve as a strong and unified voice in promoting public funding, legislation and policy beneficial to Iowa’s growing arts and culture industry.

Iowa Alliance for Arts Education

The Iowa Alliance for Arts Education increases awareness, recognition and support of policies, practices and partnerships that ensure and advance quality arts education for all Iowans. They provide an advocacy plan for informing a variety of groups about the importance of arts education.

National Endowment for the Arts

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) supports arts learning, affirms and celebrates America’s rich and diverse cultural heritage and extends work to promote equal access to the arts in every community across America.

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) provides advocacy tools and research to help you grow support for the arts in your state and local community.

Creating Connection

Creating Connection is a national movement to make arts and culture a recognized, valued and expected part of everyday life. They provide advocacy tools and guides to amplify and evolve the ways in which you engage your audiences in art experiences.