"The Film Lounge" is a television series showcasing short, independent films by Iowa artists. Each one-hour episode includes a collection of short films (two to 20 minutes in length) that represent a range of artistic forms, including documentary, animated and experimental work. The episodes also feature interviews with contributing filmmakers, plus spotlight features that highlight active filmmaking projects across Iowa.

The series is produced by Iowa PBS in partnership with the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Program objectives include highlighting art and experimental films by underserved Iowa artists; elevating the process of filmmaking as an art form; recognizing the contributions of filmmaking to the economic and cultural vitality of Iowa; and sharing stories important to Iowans.

Update April 2024: The Film Lounge: Season 9 will be opening for submissions soon. Keep an eye on this webpage for updates.

The Film Lounge submissions are judged by a panel on:

  • Artistic originality
  • Technical quality
  • Level of engagement

Read the guidelines for season 8.

Watch Past Seasons

Past Seasons of "The Film Lounge" can be streamed on Iowa PBS. Explore previous episode content online.