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Iowa Arts Council Board Minutes - December 14, 2023

Iowa Arts Council Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, December 14, 2023
9:00 a.m.
Helmick Conference Room
Iowa Economic Development Authority
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Des Moines, IA 50315
Board Members Present: In person: Chair Amber Danielson, Frank Sposeto, Donna Dostal, and Tim Dickmeyer. Electronically: Lance Ehmcke, Michelle Hargrave, Claudia Rivera, and Akwi Nji.
Board Member Absent: Suzanne Conquest
Staff Present: Director Debi Durham, Jon Berg, Vicky Clinkscales, Rita Grimm, Mike Hogan, Rick Peterson, EJ Philby Burton, David Schmitz, Deanna Triplett
Guest(s) Present: None
Call to Order
Danielson called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
Roll Call
Danielson called the roll. A quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Sposeto moved to approve the September 20, 2023 Minutes. Dostal seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda
Danielson called for comments on the consent agenda items. No comments were made.
MOTION: Sposeto moved to approve the consent agenda. Dickmeyer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Report from Chair
The Celebrate Iowa Gala took place recently and the Iowa Arts Council sponsored the music. The recent reveal of the Americans for the Arts AEP6 study provides economic data about the value of arts in communities. This data is available on the Iowa Arts Council website. The Iowa Arts Summit will happen on June 18, 2024.
IAC Program Updates
Report from Jon Berg, Creative Community Development and Infrastructure Program Manager
Berg provided updates on Community Development programs. The Destination Iowa program will focus on tourism and quality of life investments, building off a federally funded initiative. The pre-application is open now and due January 31, 2024. The Cultural and Entertainment Districts (CED) program, which provides a 10-year certification for communities with locally designated districts, has continued to grow, with two new districts added in 2023 and 18 total districts across the state. New applications will open in January with a May deadline.
Report from Jennie Knoebel, Senior Grants and Programs Manager
Knoebel provided updates on arts capacity building, including a description of and update on the Iowa Cultural Leadership Cohort program, an announcement of the Iowa Arts Summit and related Regional Arts Forums this spring, and a summary of her participation in NASAA’s conference in Salt Lake City recently. Knoebel also shared that the call for breakout session proposals for the Iowa Arts Summit is now open.
Report from EJ Philby Burton, Arts, Film and Media Coordinator
Philby Burton gave an overview and update on the Film Lounge, a joint program between the Iowa Arts Council, Produce Iowa, and Iowa PBS. The season 8 premiere will happen in January, with a broadcast on Iowa PBS and a watch party at the Varsity Cinema in Des Moines on January 28, which is free and open to the public. Filmmakers featured in the program are listed in the activity report. The Film Lounge program is available to screen at any location or event in 2023, as long as the event is free to the public.

Arts Council Director’s Report
Schmitz provided updates on grants, program highlights, partnerships, and strategic priorities. Sarah Florian, previous board administrator, has stepped down and moved to a new position. Arts Midwest has released an Impact Report to show the Return on Investment as a state arts council. Schmitz provided information and data pulled from the report, which is available with the consent agenda. Arts Midwest has direct granting opportunities that are useful for Iowa artists and organizations. NASAA (National Assembly of State Art Agencies) had a gathering in New Mexico with representatives from arts councils, which Schmitz attended and provided an update on. Artist services, staffing, and capacity were the main topics of discussion. Schmitz joined the board of directors for NASAA and shared that there are opportunities to support the organization, which is a 501c3. Inspire Iowa is a new grant program, offered by the IEDA and co-administered by the Arts Council and Iowa Tourism Office, to support marquee events or exhibitions that can attract tourists. The application deadline is January 31, 2024. Schmitz explained that the next board meeting in March will continue to bring forward changes in procedure and will also go over the strategic plan.
Board Discussion
Danielson began discussion on the board’s roll in between meetings and opportunities for members to serve in the community and to assist the Iowa Arts Council. Danielson entertained general questions from the board and discussion ensued.
Public Comment
No public comment was made.
Other Business
The next meeting is scheduled for March 26 at 10 a.m. Danielson adjourned the meeting at 10:23 a.m.